Throw it away!

  Yes, that is a scale in the trash can.  Why?  Well…why not? What purpose does the scale serve in your life?

  • Does it validate you?
  • Discourage you?
  • Encourage you?
  • Disappoint you?
  • Make you obsessed with a number?
  • Maybe it has served all of these purposes in your life at one time or another.  
Well – we need to be REAL about something – the scale can not tell us our WORTH as women.   How many times have you gotten on the scale and hoped and hoped for a certain number, all to be disappointed?!?  OFTEN I am sure! Then the whole day is ruined and you start looking for the next greatest diet out there to “try”. Been there?  Done that? I have!!  I even had charts posted above my scale, and would mark each day’s weight.  I would beat myself up if the number was higher than the day before.  I would somehow celebrate if the number was lower than the day before.  I would have goals set out for weeks and months ahead declaring what the number WILL read by such and such date.  When I wouldn’t hit that goal date, I would get frustrated and try something else.  Then I would get back on track, try again and re-set my goals, make a new chart, gear up again, and in it all – I would stay in a very DEEP BONDAGE. Let’s be real for a minute.  Why do we get on the scale?What does the scale tell us? For many of us, for too long it has actually told us way too much.  It has told us if we have been good or bad.  The numbers screaming back at us have told us if we have been a successful person or a failure.  The scale has told us if we are worth it or not.  Stop for a moment and see if you can admit that you have found yourself in this place all centered around the number on a scale. The problem with a scale, is that the more we focus on those numbers, often times we get obsessed, and do not see the results we want.  All of the sudden, the scale becomes what determines our peace and happiness each day.  That is NOT GOOD!! Why? Because the scale is just a NUMBER.  A number!!! I beg for us all to see the scale for what it is….a scale is simply a machine that tells us a number.  A number that we somehow have allowed to have way too much control over our lives. Remember, that a scale CAN NOT accurately tell us: – What we are worth – If we are a good person – If we did a great job at workout that day – If we ate our fruits and vegetables – If we loved people well that day – If we served and helped others – If we are trying our best.   So – let’s stop the scale saga. Stop getting on it every day expecting for it to tell you if you are doing a good job in this life. Stop hoping that the scale will say a number and then be disappointed when it doesn’t. Stop this cycle.  Throw the scale away!!!!  Instead….
  • START taking care of your health because you know you need to do so
  • START spending your time and energy thinking of the positive things in your life
  • START eating whole foods, not just low calorie packaged foods
  • START being kind to yourself and have grace
Lastly… START realizing that your worth comes from God and not a machine’s feedback each morning. YOU ARE WORTH MORE THAN A NUMBER ON THE SCALE!!]]>